Today I came across a situation where I had to handle the breadth first levels of a binary tree, each level at once.
Consider the binary tree below,
2 3
4 5 6 7
I had to process the nodes level by level,
I identified that this problem can be easily solved by considering the tree and DAG ( directed acyclic graph) and performing a bread first search or traversal (BFS) on the tree, starting from the root. But the challenge was BFS, gives me only the path, in this case it would be [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. But this wont be sufficient, I would need to identify the level or depth of each node as I do BFS, so that I can handle the nodes level by level.
Google pointed me to a stackoverflow link , the question exactly matched my situation but unfortunately it did not have any simple or generic solution using bfs. So i decided to write up one on my own, here is the code
Consider the binary tree below,
2 3
4 5 6 7
I had to process the nodes level by level,
I identified that this problem can be easily solved by considering the tree and DAG ( directed acyclic graph) and performing a bread first search or traversal (BFS) on the tree, starting from the root. But the challenge was BFS, gives me only the path, in this case it would be [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. But this wont be sufficient, I would need to identify the level or depth of each node as I do BFS, so that I can handle the nodes level by level.
Google pointed me to a stackoverflow link , the question exactly matched my situation but unfortunately it did not have any simple or generic solution using bfs. So i decided to write up one on my own, here is the code
This code is also posted in the python recipe of
I Came up with another version based on Recursion, which is specific to binary tree. Obviously, this one is very simple than that of its generic graph counter part shown above.
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